15 October 2008

New Wine / New Wineskins

During the past year MCC has engaged in a process to vision its future and where it might be in the next 10 years. This is an attempt to create a global vision and mission discerned by its constituency, workers, staff and partners around the world. The methodology is called 'appreciative inquiry' whereby we focus on the gifts and strengths of the organization. MCC is using the term New Wine/New Wineskins to reflect its desire to frame this in a Christ centered context.

In October of 2008 a regional gathering to this effect was held in Johannesburg. Approx 30 workers and partners from the region along with representation from the Canadian MCC's spent 3 days together to work at this. The stories of peoples journeys were amazing. Out of Zimbabwe we heard of the struggle to survive on a daily basis with people needing to travel to neighbouring countries to get basic foodstuffs. From Mozambique came a picture of hope as the country rebuilds itself. Zambia has a strong Brethren in Christ church with a long history. Swaziland is overwhelmed with the HIV/AIDS pandemic and Lesotho is struggling with issues of justice in relation to the Highlands Water scheme intended to provide for its larger neighbour South Africa. In South Africa itself there is signficant political realignment and huge issues of poverty and wealth.

Some of the major regional strategic issues that surfaced during the meetings included: peacebuilding, good governance, access to water for food security purposes and the HIV/AIDS pandemic. This process will continue on a global scale and culminate in 2009.

For more information check out www.mcc.org/NewWineskins

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