22 August 2009

Awaiting spring in Johannesburg

Greetings from sunny but cold Johannesburg. Spring is almost here (September) but the last weeks have had unusual cold fronts sweep in across the subcontinent from the Atlantic ocean bringing rain to the Cape area and cold temperatures to the highlands (2-4C at night; 14-16C during the day. Without central heating this means that indoor temps drop to C10-12. One day we looked out the window in a rain storm to see the ground covered with sleet. All told a bit on the chilly side and requiring multiple layers to keep warm.

Johannesburg is on a plateau approx 5000 feet above sea level. The climate is temperate and quite lovely - with the sun shining most days, just like in Saskatoon! Our backyard lemon tree is in full fruit allowing us fresh lemons for papaya and fruit salads and causing Lois' cooking skills to produce delectable lemon puddings and cakes. Oh yes and Kumquats! What a potently zestfilled tangy taste they leave in your mouth... (but they grow 5 hours south nearer the warm climes of the Indian Ocean)

Over the past month our home has been full of people passing through this central transportation hub. An MCC couple (Joel & Jenny) from Mozambique had come to Joburg (due to medical reasons) to have their first child (Nadia). It was delightful to have a newborn in our home and raised our anticipation of being grandparents (this coming January)! The MCC Representatives from Mozambique (Steve & Cheryl) and their children (Peter & Katie) also spent some time with us relaxing and taking a break from intense programme activity. In between we hosted a learning tour from Ontario and held debriefing sessions with them after a 10 day visit to Swaziland. The regional Connecting People's coordinators (Jamie & Arja) spent some time with us making plans and reviewing work activity. All of this is part of ongoing relationship building with congregations in North America.

Former MCCers who have worked in Mozambique, Zambia and Swaziland have also stopped by for a visit or an overnight in their travels as they explore southern Africa. A visit from MCC's Financial Services department (Chris) and the MCC Representatives based in Piertermaritzburg (James & Joan) were all part of our work activity. Just this morning we said goodbye to a colleague from the US and his son, returning for visit to their place of MCC service some 25 years ago. It was a homecoming for the son as he had not been to his place of birth since that time.

Last week we were priveleged to participate in te wedding of Sonnyboy Kumalo and Valarie Merfa. Valarie is a former MCCer who is working with an HIV/AIDS programme of the Churches Forum in Swaziland. She met Sonnyboy while working with a church ministry in the Johannesburg township of Katlehong. The wedding took place in the Evangelical Church of Katlehong. After the wedding a reception was held at the groom's grandmother's home. Tradition has it that the community is invited and some 300 people showed up for a free meal and celebrations.

So life is full of people who bring much energy, joy and hope into our lives. We are impressed with and grateful for the giftedness, compassion and commitment that is represented by MCC workers throughout the region.

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