22 August 2010

Back on line

It has been quite some time since we have posted a blog.  In an attempt to keep you better informed of our activities and whereabouts we have started up a new blog. Here are some of our most recent experiences:

August 2010
Earlier this month we spent a week in Zimbabwe visiting partners  MCC staff. One of our newest partners is the Zimbabwe Parents Handicapped Children's Associaton. They endeavor to respond to the many needs experienced by physically and developmentally challenged children and their caregivers. In an effort to provide resources for these families MCC is supporting an income generation project. In one instance a loan fund has made it possible for Mr Machesa to build up his welding business. Here he stands in front of window frames that supply local demand. Being an entrepreneur and self made engineer he re-designed his wheel chair with lights and an enhanced hand operated wheel chair since his osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) which he has passed on to his two sons makes it dangerous to move around.

July 2010

A rather unique workshop was held at the Baptist Guest House in Johannesburg. We had invited the Community Development Research Association (CDRA) to help us consider how we can more effectively plan, monitor and evaluate the programs we engage with our partners. The developmental approach CDRA employs focuses on enabling and capacitating partners to plan their own futures as sovereign entities. It helped us understand concepts like emergent, transformative and projectable change and how working with these theories can help us design more appropriate plans and methodologies.  The action-learning cycle is a significant tool for creating change. If you want to know more about this very creative and dynamic approach you can find it at http://www.barefootguide.org/

June 2010
What else would one think of than FIFA and the World Cup when one thinks of June 2010. This was a momentous occasion for the sub-continent and a particularly unique opportunity for South Africa to showcase its diverse people, its incredibly beautiful topography and its ability to host the largest event in the world - which it did with aplomb, creativity, dignity and style.  Never has there been a World Cup such as this. Even before the opening games the celebrations had begun and they continued - vuvuzelas, jerseys, and all  - until well after the last visitor had returned home to tell tales that many had not expected.
 It has been interesting to note the comments of ordinary South Africans in the weeks following the event - "This has made me proud to be South African" and "We have shown the world that we can pull off " There is hope that some of the long standing and erroneous negative perceptions of the continent will have been eroded and that the global community will see South Africa in a more realistic and appropriate light.

Riley Cantin visits South Africa

An even more momentous event than the World Cup was the arrival of Riley Joseph William Cantin!  He is our first grandson and the child of Allison and Jason. It was most exciting to meet them in Cape Town and have them spend about three weeks with us. Soccer was high on Jason and my agenda but we also had opportunity to explore the Cape area, Kruger National Park and just spend a lot of good time together. As part of her birthday celebration Allison got close up to, walked and rode an elephant!  It was hard to see them leave but we are fortunate to keep in touch via the internet and skype.


  1. Good to read some of your thoughts on your experiences. Sounds like the grandson experience was at an entirely different level of life; similar to what I've observed with my brother, Willy. When are you back? Will you be in our area to see your mother soon? We would love to connect. Pls send us an email.
    thanks, ....Dave Klassen

  2. Great to see your updated blog. Thanks for taking the time to keep us posted on some of your recent experiences. I had no idea Allison, Jason and Riley came to visit...what a treat for you and them! By the way, great photos.
    Love you....Marilyn

  3. If you keep posting, we'll keep reading. Thanks for the photos, especially of Riley. I presume you have more; are they available somewhere? And where are the fishing pictures?
