25 August 2010

Planning for MCC work

MCC country programs have begun planning for the next fiscal year. Many projects are multi-year in nature and new ones continually emerge as we engage with our partners and determine appropriate responses to need. Within southern African MCC programming we have established a framework for focusing resources and energy.
You will notice the 5 priorities for the region. The arrows represent the interaction between the various focal points. There is a significant interplay between these various sectors. For example, we realized that in our partnership with the Church Forum in Swaziland that  historic church tensions and conflict were getting in the way as they engaged the HIV/AIDS epidemic. In response our regional peace advisor worked with the churches in a conflict mediation and resolution exercise. That enabled the churches to deal with some of the outstanding issues and begin building a common approach to the epidemic.  As we respond to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Swaziland (it has the  highest incidence in the world) we realize that both education and food security are significant components of an effective response. Education about the disease, it's spread and how the community and churches can build effective responses is critical. No less the recognition that without adequate nutrition the effectiveness of ARV's in helping people regain their livelihood are substantively reduced. Project development needs to take all of this into account as well as the political, economic, social and religious factors that influence a community. We ask for your prayers for wisdom and insight as we go about this task on your behalf.

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