01 September 2010

Spring is in the air!

Today is the first day of spring in southern Africa.  The daytime highs now reach the mid 20's and nights are in the 10-12C range.

During the winter the average high is around 17C and the average low is around 5C. It is a most pleasant time of the year with cool but sunny days. The nights however are cold and when the temperature drops below the freezing point we layer up the jerseys and pile on the blankets. There is no central heating in homes so when its cold outside its cold inside! Snowfall is very rare but it does happen. Snowfall occurred in 1956, 1981 and 2006. The last snowfall was in 2007, measuring up to 10 centimeters in the southern regions. Sometimes the southerly winds bring on extremely cold weather and the whining and complaining index rockets!

But this is about spring - flower buds are opening, leaves unfolding and the grass is beginning to grow. When we fling open our office doors and windows we can hear the birds singing and feel the warmth of the air. In our complex the male weaver birds have begun their annual complex mating ritual - of building a home for their mate. If she doesn't like the house she will ignore it and he will have to continue building aerial homes until she is satisfied. On the news the other day someone reported a male weaver making over 40 attempts. Either he was a very inefficient builder or she was one fussy lady!

Now most mornings we can have coffee on the stoep (porch), enjoy the fresh air, and take in the beauty of the flower garden. It is good to be alive and sense the hope that is in the air and in the hearts of people.

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