26 March 2011

Pashu Secondary School and MCC's Global Family programme

The road to Pashu
The way to Pashu Secondary School winds 30 kms down this rough dirt road - usually taking about an hour to navigate. Pashu is a community based school in Binga District, Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe. It serves about 400 students of whom approx 100 are what they call 'bush boarders' - students who live at the school because their homes are 15-20kms or more from the school. Because of lack of housing these students sleep in the classrooms at night. Community members, many whom have never gone to school, love their school and are working with the administration to improve its conditions.
Studying under the trees
 Mr.Chetini, the headmaster, and his 'School Development Committee, struggle with a significant lack of resources to address the needs of both staff and students. There is a serious lack of classrooms for the students - only about half can be accommodated at any one time. The classrooms lack the most rudimentary equipment with the 'science lab' having nothing but tables in it, no equipment or supplies of any sort. The students however have a zeal for learning and gather under the trees to study - even in their teacher doesn't show up. Dedicated teachers, like the one below use whatever resources are available.
Agriculture class - outdoors
MCC's Global Family support started in 1992. The first beneficiary, now Reverend Mudenda, has built a grocer's shop in the Pashu area and pays school fees for at least 8 orphans at the school and supports many more in Bulawayo.

Indoor classroom
MCC has assisted with electrification of the school in addition to supplying teaching materials and textbooks, school desks, offering a Teacher Retention programme as well as teacher training programmes.  Even so classrooms are crowded and have few amenities with students often having to sit on the floor and sharing textbooks. It is very difficult to retain teachers due to the extremely difficult living and teaching conditions. Salaries are minimal, not more than $100/month, and housing is abysmal. Some 28 teachers currently have to share 7 houses with each having only a small bedroom. It is difficult to have a spouse and/or children living with them. In the midst of all this the Headmaster and the School Development Committee have a vision to improve conditions for both teachers and students.

Headmaster Chetini
If you are interested in supporting MCC's Global Family programme, which enables these students to have a chance at education, please contact your nearest MCC office. It is one way you can collaborate with local communities to provide hope for a better future.

The staff and students at Pashu Secondary School thank MCC for its ongoing support. They get little support from government or anyone else so are very grateful for us walking alongside them.

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