05 December 2011

Mtshabezi 2 : Nyandeni 0

My name is Ntokozo Ndlovu. I am doing grade seven in Mtshabezi Primary School. When I grow up I would like to be a writer. Today I write about the football match held at my school.

It was on the fourteenth of June this year when the all important match was held at my school. My school was playing against Nyandeni Primary School. Since Nyandeni were the visitors, it was agreed that the Mtshabezi balls will be used. Little did we know that the balls would be our charm!

When the match started, everyone was excited and the whole village was supporting our team. Even the nearby high school pupils were supporting us. The players were clearly confident as they were equipped with skill, information and strategies on how to win the game.

The players from Mtshabezi scored the opening goal which was very important as the visitors were now not confident and feeling outclassed. The crowds were cheering louder and songs were sung. The competition spilled to the supporters who were now outclassing each other on cheering louder and funnier chants. The village elders were laughing as the young ones were doing great. Our boys were encouraged to do better. The dribbling increased and the so did the cheers. During the second half, the goalkeeper from Nyandeni was caught off guard by a pass to him from his defender who felt scared to advance the ball forward; as a result the ball went into the net and thus conceding another goal.

At the end of the ninety minutes our school had two goals to nil. The air was filled with dust as the supporters were dancing. It's the first time this trophy had been won by my school. It was sponsored by NAPH, the National Association of Primary School Headmasters.

When our Headmistress gave the acceptance speech, she did mention that the MCC balls were our lucky charm and we all laughed. MCC provided for the purchase of sports items and textbooks for the second term of 2011. Had it not been for the generous support of MCC, our school, like many others in the rural areas would have been deprived of the joy of playing sport.

Ntokozo Ndlovu a grade seven pupil assisted by her teacher.

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