12 April 2009

Christ is Risen

The words "Christ is risen. He is risen indeed!" have echoed around the globe this day. They have been spoken in Zulu, Shangaan, Xhosa, English, French, Chinese, Spanish and innumerable other languages. They are an expression of hope that will bring good news to the poor, release to the captives, recovery of sight for the blind, and freedom from oppression. The kingdom of God has come near!

Despite the naysayers they are an expression of God's presence in our lives and in our world. A story is told of the former Soviet Union when on an Easter Sunday an atheistic leader called a meeting in a large city and harangued against God and Christianity and totally denounced anything to do with the faith. It seemed that there was nothing left. After he had finished a priest slowly got up and asked permission to say something. Turning to the crowd he uttered three words: "Christ is risen." The audience rose with one accord and proclaimed aloud in response, "He is risen indeed!"

The defining feature of our faith is not determined by those who have turned their backs on it but by the reality of the risen Lord in our lives.
He is risen indeed!

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