09 May 2009

Update on Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe's short-term macro-economic prospects have brightened somewhat according to the IMF. According to the Mail & Guardian (8-11 May) the country needs $200 million for urgent budgetary support and $300 million for immediate humanitarian assistance. Reports inidcate that there is continuing tension between a MDC mandated to deliver services(but without available funds)and ZANU-PF in charge of security forces. A huge task for MDC is to get control of the Central Bank which ZANU-PF Bank Governor Bono has used as a personal bank account to keep Mugabe in power. It appears that a group of military and ministers out of Mugabe's camp are attempting to destroy the coalition and ensure they do not lose control. There seems to be a fair bit of in-figthing in the Mugabe camp. Meanwhile Tsvangirai and the MDC are pleading with the international community to release funds so they can pay civil servants and retain their support and loyalty in the long run to fundamental change. Without that support the economy could easily collapse and the entire country self-destruct.

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