12 July 2011

Leaving on a jet plane...

Our bags are packed, PMR sent off, most work things organized, prayers said... we're on our way in the morning.  As you can imagine, we are really looking forward to the adventures ahead beginning in the big city of Buenos Aires, Argentina tomorrow night.  Do hope we find our way to the Alpino Hotel whose e-mails communications always came in Spanish.  Melanie won't be online to translate!  \

We have a 24 hour lay-over there and arrive at the El Alto Airport outside of La Paz, at around 4000 meters altitude, the following day.  Get the oxygen masks! Will be great to see Melanie there and have her host us for two weeks in a place we know little about.
Then on to see that little grandson and his parents (Allison & Jason) and many other family members and friends up north in Saskatoon.  Looking forward to weeks of catching up and sunsets and ice-cream at our favourite northern lake.
Then a quick stop in Winnipeg (more friends and family) before heading further east where we'll connect with even more family and friends in Ontario. The heat and humidity should be gone by then, and we'll enjoy fresh apples, pears and grapes.
Of course, we'll miss all of our friends and colleagues in southern Africa! 
Trust that all will go well.  Blessings to each of you wherever you are and whatever you are doing.
Keep posted - the blog will unravel the tale as it happens.

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