04 October 2011

Spring or Fall?

Is it fall or spring? Are we moving into winter or summer?  That is not as obvious as it may appear. A lot will depend on what part of the world you live in and what time of year it is. In southern Africa we are now enjoying the beauty of springtime. Two nights ago the first rains of the season blew over us washing away the winter dust and renewing the soil with life giving water. Temperatures are slowly warming up and nights are not as cold. It is opposite in the northern hemisphere where the leaves are turning colour and people begin to prepare for winter.

It has been just over a week since our return to life in the southern hemisphere. We have been warmly welcomed back and are finding our way through the plethora of emails and other work related activities awaiting us. The home leave journey was many things: enjoyable, enlightning, renewing, challenging, and affirming in the many friendships and support we found along the way.  Mostly it was a time of re-connection and renewal and an appreciation for the many people who have shaped our lives over the years.

Upon our immediate return we had booked a few days to catch up on jet lag and sleep and unpack our suitcases. We joined some friends at a nearby vacation destination and game park. Driving through the park and seeing the wildlife in their natural setting was a good reminder of our space on this planet and that we are part of much bigger processes and time-frames than our own. Life is not only about our individual journeys but about our global community and environment - to which we have been given the task of stewardship. Unfortunately we often do not do a good job of even being aware of our environment or responsibilities let alone paying attention to what is happening around us.

So as either spring or fall come upon us let us be aware of our environment - both physically and community-wise and offer ourselves as harbingers of hope and renewal.

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