12 November 2011

ANC Disciplines the Youth League

In an unprecedented show of strength the ANC Disciplinary Committee, chaired by Derek Hanekom, laid down the law. For a variety of reasons including ill-discipline, bringing the party into disrepute, disrespecting the leadership, and interfering with international relations Julius Malema, Youth League president and his entire executive were given a range of suspended sentences including a five year suspension from both the ANC and the Youth League for Malema. While this has sent shock waves into the Youth League structure, and they have vowed to fight it, the ruling has the support of 70% of the general populace according to a .

Co-incidental with this came the release of a national development plan through Planning Minister Trevor Manuel. "South Africa can get rid of poverty and reduce unemployment over the next 20 years if it undergoes a  'paradigm shift', according to the plan. It goes on to state that, "This requires a new approach - one that moves from passive citizenry receiving services from the state, to one that systematically includes the socially and economically excluded...

South Africa has not adopted a standard definition of poverty so the National Planning Commission suggests using a poverty line of about R418 (Cdn$52.25) perm month (in 2009 prices). Approx 39% of the population currently lives below this level. The two most important challenges identified (among 9) are "Increasing employment and improving the quality of education must be the highest priorities."

"If these problems are were not addressed, it could lead to a destructive cycle which would see economic decline, falling living standards, rising competition for resources and social tensions." (Sapa, The Saturday Star, November 12, 2011)

The report also challenged the concept of nationalization of mines and mineral rights, as well as calling for certainty on property rights - all of which had been a rallying cry of Malema and his cronies.

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