07 March 2012

Carla’s Hot Milk Sponge Cake

 One never knows the extent of one’s circle of influence. Many years ago one of Lois’ cousins submitted a recipe to the ‘More with Less’ cookbook. It was a hot milk sponge cake recipe. Tonight as we dined at the home of the Zambian MCC Representatives in Lusaka, Zambia we completed our meal with a guava based hot milk sponge cake. As we enjoyed the delicate flavours of the cake Kathy told us this story:

“One of her friends, Saviour Soko, had recently been invited to participate in a TV cooking show on Zambian state TV. Her entry was ‘Carla’s Hot Milk Sponge Cake’ – with a slight modification – using a local fruit called guava instead of the original topping of coconut and nuts. Kathy had introduced Mrs Soko to this version of the cake and she had enjoyed it so much decided to use the same recipe on the cooking show. The show received great reviews and many folk people have called to ask for the recipe.” 

So from Saskatchewan to central Zambia, Carla’s Hot Milk Sponge cake has made a big hit! If you want the recipe go to page 282 in the More with Less Cookbook. If you don’t have access to guava try other fruit as a substitute. It will be a real hit

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