21 April 2018

Kruger National Park

Where nearly 2 million hectares of unrivaled diversity of life forms fuse with historical and archaeological sights - the world-renowned Kruger National Park offers a wildlife experience that ranks with the best in Africa!

It was our privilege to once again enjoy the beauty of nature as we traversed the plains of Kruger National Park.  We had booked accommodation in centrally located Skukuza Camp and made daily forays from there to explore the park.

Early morning and late afternoon trips provided the most successful game viewing. Whether it was the multiplicity of birds, antelope or predators - we were reminded time and again of the creative, self-sustaining and complex eco-systems that made it possible for such a rich variety of plants, birds and animals to survive a sometimes extremely hostile environment.
Grey Heron - drying out its wings
Elephant munching on a tree

 The life of any one organism provides food for the next level up  - grasses nourish the herbivores which in turn nourish the carnivores. While we enjoyed the grace and beauty of the impala and zebra we knew they were food for the lions and leopards we so much wanted to see. One cannot exist without the other. Energy is transferred from one to the other and the cycle of life is extended.


  1. Wow. this brings back poignant memories of our time at the Krueger Park! We stayed in a camp similar to the one you are describing. I so wish we could have gone again. The time there was too short for everything we wanted to do! Lucky you. Safe travels!

  2. Kruger, definitely one of the best places I have been. Giraffes and elephants, plus zebras are my favorites. So nice to see these pictures.
