17 April 2018

Occasions for hope ... Belfast, South Africa

The pursuit of the elusive leads down many roads
Destination - Belfast, SA


"The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope." - from Fly Fishing - a Sacred Art

 There is something very peaceful as a natural silence wafts over one and a rain sodden fog blankets the land in a white mist. Emboldened by the soft swish of the fly line singing through the air and the gentle splash as the fly lands on the water - things spring to action. After moments of intense focus the snap of the fly rod as a fish takes the bait causes an intense surge of excitement and the pursuit gains momentum...


The delight of companionship brightens the day  - irrespective of the rain and the competition under the water...

In the evening the warmth of the fireside, sumptuous food and anticipation of the new day make for a relaxing and energizing stay.

1 comment:

  1. you look very relaxed Lois, hope this is a chance to recharge for you. Phyllis
